We believe there are three witnesses.
We believe the Jewish Scriptures, the New Testament Gospels and the Quran, testify of the same truth.
We believe that the Quran is simply a reminder of the truth of the Bible. Reminding us:
We believe that doctrine should never dictate how we read or preach God's Word.
We believe the Quran needs to be read in its original language. Once it is translated into modern Arabic or English and words are added to the text, its original meaning is lost.
Please share your knowledge so that we can all be raised to eternal life together. Any constructive feedback or criticisms is useful in presenting the truth in the best possible way.
Two or Three Witnesses
The name "Two or Three Witnesses" was chosen in response to a recent trial where a Jury declared the defendant guilty on the testimony of one witness. The Jury's decision was not based on three, or even two reliable witnesses. Instead, without any supporting evidence, the Jury was swayed by an emotional testimony of one man.
The Scriptures tell us:
The heart is deceitful and cannot be trusted (Jeremiah 17:9).
A lone witness is not sufficient to establish any wrongdoing or sin against a man,
regardless of what offense he may have committed.
A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
Deuteronomy 19:15